From September 2010 through March 2011, Fr. Riccardo is presenting a series of talks on The Theology of the Body, a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences between 1979 and 1984. This podcast is from Fr. John's talk on September 29th.

Direct download: TheologyBody092910.m4a
Category:Theology of the Body -- posted at: 1:26pm EST

From September 2010 through March 2011, Fr. Riccardo will present a series of talks on The Theology of the Body, a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences between 1979 and 1984. A schedule and a bibliography for Fr. John's talks are available for download. On September 8th, the series began with a viewing of the movie Nine Days that Changed the World, a documentary that chronicled Pope John Paul II's pilgrimage to Poland in June of 1979.

Category:Theology of the Body -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The Cure for Salvation Dysfunction

On June 26, 2010 the first Statewide Men's Conference entitled Doing All Things in Christ: Tapping into the Real Power in a Power Hungry World was held at Eastern Michigan University. This is Fr. Riccardo's address from the conference. Additional information about the conference is available here.


Direct download: TheCureForSalvationDysfunction.m4a
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 11:17am EST

On Saturday, September 11th, His Eminence Adam Cardinal Maida presided over the 4 PM Mass celebrating the 10th anniversary of the new church building.  This is Cardinal Maida's homily from that Mass.

Direct download: AnniversaryMassHomily.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 5:25pm EST

This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated at the start of the new school year.

Direct download: MassHolySpirit090910.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 5:11pm EST

While considering the gospel reading from St. Luke, Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation, "What does in mean to be a Christian?"  Fr. John suggests the congregation ask Our Lady of Good Counsel to pray that we might have a greater experience of the Lord.

Direct download: Homily090410.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 9:50pm EST





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