Wed, 27 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the Wednesday evening closing Mass. The podcast contains the opening testimony of Fr. Mateja, Fr. Riccardo's homily, and his closing remarks. |
Tue, 26 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the Tuesday night session. |
Mon, 25 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the Monday night session. |
Sun, 24 February 2013
The annual parish mission is being held from February 24th to February 27th. Fr. Riccardo is leading this year's mission titled Lord, I Believe, Help My Unbelief (Mk 9:24). This podcast is from the opening Sunday night session. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo prays the Glorious Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo shares his reflections on the Glorious Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo prays the Sorrowful Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo shares his reflections on the Sorrowful Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo prays the Luminous Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo shares his reflections on the Luminous Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo prays the Joyful Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo shares his reflections on the Joyful Mysteries. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Mon, 11 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo shares his reflections on The Holy Rosary in this apologetic. In 2012, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church prepared an audio CD of meditations and recordings by Fr. John on The Holy Rosary. In thanksgiving for Our Lady's 90+ years of patronage and protection in helping to form us as disciples of her Son, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and Fr. Riccardo will share these meditations in a series of podcasts. |
Sun, 10 February 2013
While reflecting on the readings of this day (Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1Cor 15:1-11; and Lk 5:1-11), Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation whether Jesus is real or an abstract concept for them. Fr. John encourages them to approach the season of Lent with a sense of purpose and suggests that they spend time each week in prayer, scripture reading, spiritual reading, giving alms, and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliatilon |
Wed, 6 February 2013
This year the Church celebrates the Year of Faith, giving us the opportunity to answer the question Jesus asks each of us, “Who do you say that I am?” Catholic apologist Gary Michuta concludes the four-part series on the Pillars of the Catholic Faith with this talk on Christian Prayer and The Our Father. |
Sun, 3 February 2013
Fr. Riccardo reflects on the letter of St. Paul to the community in Corinth in this homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. While considering the second reading (1 Cor 12:31-13;13) for the fourth Sunday in ordinary time, Fr. John puts St. Paul's letter in its historical context, and discerns the message for Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in 2013. |