In this homily for The Feast of Pentecost, Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to consider what difference the Holy Spirit makes in their lives.

Direct download: Homily052712.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:58am EDT

In this homily for the Feast of the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Fr. Riccardo urges the congregation to attend the parish ministry fair being held after all of the weekend Masses.  While reflecting on the readings of this day (Acts 1:1-11, Eph. 4:1-13, and Mk. 16:15-20), Fr. John encourages all parishioners consider serving in parish ministry at Our Lady of Good Counsel.

Direct download: Homily052012.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 1:21pm EDT

While reflecting on the gospel reading from St. John (Jn 15:9-17), Fr. Riccardo discusses discipleship.  Fr. John reads a sermon from Dietrich Bonhoeffer titled Costly Grace.  Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor and theologian who was executed by the Nazis in Flossenburg prison camp in 1945.  Fr. John reminds the congregation that to surrender to God leads to great joy.

Direct download: Homily051212.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 7:17pm EDT

While reflecting on the gospel reading from St. John (Jn 15:1-8), Fr. Riccardo offers encouragement to congregants facing daily struggles. Fr. John encourages us to, "Ask God for the grace to know that He will bring to completion the good work that He has begun in us."

Direct download: Homily050612.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:10pm EDT

Fr. John encourages the congregation to ask the Holy Spirit to allow us to hear God's voice telling us with conviction of our identity as sons or daughters of God.

Direct download: Homily042912.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:33pm EDT

Each year Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel with a Streamer Day Mass to recognize the eighth grade students who will soon complete their final studies at the elementary school. Fr. Riccardo's homily from this year's Mass is presented here.

Direct download: StreamerDayHomily2012.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:24pm EDT





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